How to tune your guitar without a tuner?
If you have bought a new guitar and you don’t know how to tune your guitar, then you can watch a YouTube video and learn how to do it, or else you can even learn how to do it from a blog.
If you know how to tune a guitar the right way but you don’t have a tuner, then what you should do and how you should tune your guitar is all explained ahead in this article.
If you don’t have a tuner, then it will be hard for you to hear which string you are striking and which one you have to adjust so that you make it sound perfect.
The tuner will connect to the front end of your guitar where the strings are connected, and they will then attach to the string.
With their help, you can easily make out which string is out of alignment according to the sound and which one you are adjusting with it.
You should try to do some harmonics with your guitar to check and see if the tuning is done right or not.
Otherwise, you can use a reference note of the perfect tuning from the internet and play it to check if you have the perfect settings or not.